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College Students: It's Never Too Early to Start Your Resume

College student writing resume

You may be still settling back into your dorm room or off-campus apartment after the holidays. Classes are just getting underway, and you are enjoying being back on campus again. It feels like graduation is still far, far away and the thought of what you will do after you graduate isn't currently on the forefront of your mind. But time flies (especially while you're having fun)! Read on to discover why it is never too early to start your resume.

You Can Always Make Resume Updates

As professional resume writers, we recommend starting your resume well before your senior year. This will allow you to easily apply for internships or other paid jobs. Many people think they should wait until the end of their senior year to craft a resume so they can incorporate their full college experience. This is flawed thinking because a resume is never a "final" document. It can easily be changed as you have more experiences (paid and unpaid) to add. Creating one during your freshman year and updating it each year will allow you to make sure you don't overlook any awards, honors, jobs or academic achievements.

You Want to be Ready When an Opportunity Arises

Some college students are surprised to find that job opportunities are available in the fall. For example, you may hear from a company you had an internship at previously. They may suddenly have an opening and think you are the best candidate but need you to submit your resume. Having one ready to go makes it easy to jump at the opportunity! If you have to take a week to create a resume and then provide it, they may find another candidate in the meantime.

Writing a Resume Takes Time

Gears of a clock

Often students think they can just whip up a resume in a day. The truth is it will take some time to write your resume. You will need to research proper resume writing guidelines and collect all of the necessary information about your previous jobs and educational experiences. Formatting and proofreading will take a considerable amount of time as well. You do not want to wait until the night before the job fair to get started.

Resume Creation May Help You Determine Career Objectives

Not sure what part of your industry you want to enter when you graduate? Spending time reflecting on your educational experiences and previous jobs can help you define what aspects you enjoyed the most. Highlighting your strengths in a resume will help you determine which roles you are most suited for. Evaluating what you found challenging in past experiences will aid you in determining what you are looking for in a potential job posting.

You May Realize You Need to Expand Your Credentials

Creating your resume early on may help you identify areas in which you don't have as much experience or knowledge. Then you can focus on filling those gaps during the remaining school year. You can seek out volunteer opportunities or look for an appropriate paid position over break. Crafting a resume often shows you the areas you may have a weakness in. Finding them early allows you to address them.

When it Comes Time to Apply, You Will Need More than Just a Resume

College student in an interview

If your resume is written now, you can focus on cover letters and interview skills in the spring. In addition, you may choose to create a LinkedIn profile to further aid your job search. By taking the resume off your to-do list early, you will have the time to focus on these other important job search items. This will increase the chance of you successfully finding an internship or permanent position that you desire.

Your First Job Determines Your Career (and Income) Trajectory

College graduates in first job

According to research, 4 in 10 college graduates accept a first job that results in them being 'underemployed.' Five years later, two-thirds of these graduates will still be 'underemployed.' Taking a lower wage now can impact your earnings long-term. If you are a senior who will soon be entering the workforce, it is important to have a resume that maximizes your chances of getting an interview for the career you have been training for. Getting started on your resume now will increase the chance of it being a quality document that opens the doors of opportunity for you!

Not sure what to include? Here are some tips:

  • Look for Relevant Experience in Unexpected Places. This includes volunteer work, summer jobs, and classroom experiences. You can often demonstrate soft skills, such as time management and customer service through these experiences.

  • Consider Including Academics. If you have an academic experience that directly relates to the job posting, it should be included on your resume. You can also include awards and honors.

  • Avoid High School Information. As you are getting closer to the end of your college career, it is best to remove the high school information from your resume. Employers are generally not interested in high school GPA or classes.

  • Be Professional. Make sure all aspects of your resume demonstrate you are a professional. If your email address is partygirl2021, consider creating a new one. Your contact information is the first impression a potential employer will have of you.

  • Proofread, Proofread, Proofread! Make sure you proofread your resume, so you don't submit a document with spelling or grammatical errors. Spending a few minutes editing and revising your resume may make the difference in getting a phone call for an interview.

  • Professional Resume Service! Consider hiring a professional resume service to create your resume. A resume writer will know how to create a resume that is optimized with keywords and action verbs, edited for grammatical errors, and up-to-date according to industry standards. Your relevant skills will be highlighted, helping you stand out compared to the competition. A professional resume service is an investment in your career--helping to prevent unemployment or under-employment which may affect your income for years.

Additional information about resumes, cover letters, interviews and job search guidance are available on the Revision Resume blog: New blogs are posted multiple times each week sharing up to the minute knowledge of the hiring industry.


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What’s Next?  With the Right Resume, the Sky’s the Limit!

The challenge for most job applicants is crafting the right resume. 

Revision Resume is here to help offering the following writing services:

Resume critiques are also offered to those who have already created their own resume but would like a second set of eyes to check for errors and to ensure the document is up to modern standards!

With up-to-the-minute knowledge of the hiring industry, Revision Resume can make sure you are submitting the right resume!

In addition to our blog that is packed with useful information and tips, Revision Resume also offers a monthly newsletter and group educational programs. 

Finally, for the "do-it-yourselfer," we offer a checklist package that helps you ensure you haven't missed any vital details. 


To learn more, contact us.

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