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Do I Really Need a Cover Letter?

Yes, a Cover Letter is highly recommended! It may be what motivates the hiring manager to read further and take a closer look at your resume. A cover letter may also be the difference between getting an interview and being passed over. Let's look at why Revision Resume suggests you include a cover letter with every job application.

A Cover Letter Provides Another Opportunity to Advocate

The cover letter gives you another chance to express why you should be hired for this job. You don't want to pass up the additional opportunity to advocate for yourself. Including a cover letter may result in you being offered an interview.

Detail Why You are Applying for this Specific Job

Relocating for a new job

A cover letter also allows you to explain why you are applying for this particular position. You can include details that wouldn't be possible to include on your resume.

  • If you are moving to the area you can mention that you will be relocating by a certain date.

  • Maybe you have always had your eye on this particular company. Include that detail in your cover letter.

  • Or, maybe you were recommended for this position by someone that works at the business. The cover letter gives you a chance to mention the name of the employee that recommended the position to you. It helps to network and have an 'in' at the job.

Include Keywords in Your Cover Letter

Companies that use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) may run the cover letter through the ATS in addition to the resume. Therefore take the opportunity to incorporate some keywords from the job posting into the cover letter to help improve your match for the position. If you are applying to multiple positions be sure to re-write your cover letter for each so the specific keywords of that particular job are incorporated.

Highlights Specifics

Yes, your resume will be geared to the specific job you are applying for, but the cover letter can even go further in highlighting why you are the best candidate for this position. Use the cover letter to tell why you should be hired for the job. It can also be used to explain any issues that may appear in your resume such as a job gap.

Any Times Not to Include a Cover Letter?

The only situation in which Revision Resume suggests not including a cover letter is if the job posting specifically says that a cover letter should not be submitted. Keep in mind that a cover letter may be expected even if it isn't specifically requested. Only skip it if the job posting clearly indicates not to include one!

Writing a cover letter will help you stand out against the competition. Be sure to provide a well-written, well-formatted, edited and proofread cover letter for each position you apply to. Need help? Contact us and we will be happy to assist you in the creation of your cover letters.

Related Reading:

Additional cover letter information can be found here.


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The challenge for most job applicants is crafting the right resume. 

Revision Resume is here to help offering the following writing services:

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Finally, for the "do-it-yourselfer," we offer a checklist package that helps you ensure you haven't missed any vital details. 


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