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Top 10 Things to Leave Off Your Resume

#1: Personal Information

In some countries it is OK to include your marital status on your resume. Not in the U.S. Personal information such as your marital status, if you own a home, your age, and how many kids you have is not desired on a resume. If you include these details, you won't be following current resume guidelines which will potentially put a checkmark against you in the eyes of the hiring manager.

#2: Irrelevant Experience/Hobbies

You may want to include some volunteer roles you have held or your favorite hobbies. However, you should really consider if they are relevant to the role you are applying for before putting them on your resume. If they don't directly relate to the job you are applying for, it is best to leave them off. You only have so much space to show why you are a good candidate for this particular job, and you want to use that space wisely. Including that you donated your hair or collect stamps may not help and may make the hiring manager wonder if you do have relevant experience.

However, it is important to note that volunteer experience that is related to the field can and should be included. For example, if you are applying for a position as an accountant and have served as the treasurer of the local Parent Teacher Association, this is worthwhile to include.

#3: Failures

While it is common to be asked about a failure or difficulty you overcame in an interview, it is not necessary to list a failure outright on your resume. Instead focus on your accomplishments. Then, when your resume earns you an interview, you can answer the interview questions appropriately and show how you have grown from your difficult experience.

#4: Objective Statement

The truth is that companies don't care what you are looking for. They have a need they are trying to fill and they want to determine if you are a candidate with the skills necessary. Wasting space on your resume stating what your objective is does not help them in this endeavor. Therefore, you should include a Headline or Title instead of the Objective Statement. Use the opportunity to show that you are the right person for the job.

In addition, the objective statement is typically right at the top of the resume, which is important real estate. If a hiring manager only spends 6 seconds reviewing your resume, they will have wasted time on the objective at the top and potentially missed out on the "meat" of your experience.

#5: Every Job You Ever Had

A resume is not intended to be a historical list of your entire life experience. Therefore, you do not need to list the jobs you held in high school. Instead, focus on relevant work experience that only goes back 10-15 years at most. Use the space that would have been used on older jobs to provide details about the recent jobs you have held and the accomplishments you had in those positions.

#6: "References Available Upon Request"

You do not need to waste space on your resume including this statement. If your prospective employer is interested in you as a candidate, they will ask you for references and you will provide them. In addition, this is an outdated item to include on your resume, and indicates you aren't knowledgeable about current industry standards.

#7: Political Affiliations

Avoid indicating political or religious affiliations on your resume. It is information that the hiring manager doesn't need and might be viewed as a negative when beliefs really shouldn't impact your ability to do the job.

#8: Low GPA

If you are recent college graduate, you may feel you have to include your GPA. You don't. Simply list your degree and the college from which you obtained your education. If your GPA is lower than a 3.0, it definitely should not be included on your resume.

#9: Photograph

In the United States, it is against current resume guidelines to include a photograph of yourself on your resume unless you are applying for a job that requires it, such as acting. Some companies automatically throw away resumes with a photograph on it so they can't be seen as discriminatory against someone based on their appearance, age, race, etc.

#10: Lies

It is easy to catch lies on a resume. Often untruthful information is apparent when references are contacted or during the interview process. No company wants to hire a dishonest employee, so once the lie is discovered the job candidate is usually removed from contention. Therefore, it is best to just be honest on your resume.

If you need assistance crafting a resume that includes everything necessary to show why you are the right candidate for the job but doesn't include any of the above items that would potentially result in your resume being cast aside, contact Revision Resume. We are trained in current resume guidelines and know how to create a resume that highlights your unique skills and experiences.

Related Reading:


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The challenge for most job applicants is crafting the right resume. 

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