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Virtual Interview? Tips for Success

Your professional resume landed you an interview! Congratulations! In 2021 virtual interviews are common but if you have never had one, it can feel daunting. Consider these tips for success:

Be on Time!

This is important regardless of if the interview is in person or virtual. You want the hiring manager to know you are focused on this interview and you respect their time. While you won't run into traffic on your way to a virtual interview, you may encounter technology issues. If you haven't used the program (Skype, Zoom, etc) before, take the time to practice logging in. This way you won't have to worry about downloading any necessary software when the interview is scheduled to begin.

Virtual Interview | Zoom

Avoid Distractions

Conduct the interview in a quiet place where you will be unlikely to be disturbed. Let roommates and family know that you will be participating in an interview so they will avoid any unnecessary interruptions. Consider putting pets in a different room to limit the chance of them causing a disturbance during your interview. Be mindful of the background scene that the interviewer will see making sure that it isn't cluttered or unprofessional in appearance. Avoid eating or chewing gum during the interview as that may make you difficult to understand.

Dress for Success

Although you may be at home, you should still dress in business attire. Looking professional sends the message that you are serious about this job. You will appear more qualified, competent and experienced if you are dressed in business attire than if you are wearing your pajamas.

Don't Skip the Value Proposition Letter!

You may believe that because you didn't meet the hiring manager in person, you can skip sending the Value Proposition Letter after the interview. This thinking is highly discouraged as a Value Proposition Letter can help you stand out compared to the rest of the interviewees! Not only are you thanking the hiring manager for their time, but you also are taking advantage of another opportunity to point out how you would be an asset to their organization. Revision Resume is happy assist you in creating a Value Proposition Letter that will put you at the top of the competition! Contact us

Value Proposition Letters

Following the above tips will help you achieve a successful virtual interview and make a great impression to the hiring manager. Ultimately, you will land your dream job!

Related Reading:

Looking for additional Interview tips? Click here.


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What’s Next?  With the Right Resume, the Sky’s the Limit!

The challenge for most job applicants is crafting the right resume. 

Revision Resume is here to help offering the following writing services:

Resume critiques are also offered to those who have already created their own resume but would like a second set of eyes to check for errors and to ensure the document is up to modern standards!

With up-to-the-minute knowledge of the hiring industry, Revision Resume can make sure you are submitting the right resume!

In addition to our blog that is packed with useful information and tips, Revision Resume also offers a monthly newsletter and group educational programs. 

Finally, for the "do-it-yourselfer," we offer a checklist package that helps you ensure you haven't missed any vital details. 


To learn more, contact us.

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