When you first sit down to write your resume, you may think "this will be easy!" You may assume you can quickly type your roles and experiences up, creating a resume in just an hour or so. But, as time continues to pass, you may realize it isn't as simple as you had envisioned. Let's examine why resume writing is so hard!
1. Format
Resume writing is not a freestyle writing assignment. You can't just sit down and churn out paragraph after paragraph indicating why you are the right candidate for the position.
Resumes require specific formatting. Trying to figure out the appropriate formatting for an up-to-date resume is really step one in the entire process. After that, you have to figure out how to fit the pertinent information into that specific format.
Often this first step stumps people. How should my resume be formatted? Many turn to a resume template, which just causes even more issues as they proceed. The job-seeker attempts to put a detail---such as a hiring date--in the format, and the entire thing gets messed up. Now the candidate is spending time trying to fix the template instead of spending time putting the correct content in the resume! Resume templates tend to result in headaches and, to make matters worse, templates found online may be an outdated format which could cause the resume created to be cast aside! Yikes!
2. All Those Details...But Not TOO Many Details!
To provide a resume that will result in a call for an interview, you need to include details such as the dates at which you were employed in previous roles. Many people don't remember those specifics off the top of their head. They have to do some research to figure out when they started and left prior jobs or when they graduated from college.
Yet, some try to provide too many details. High school graduation is not necessary for those that have a college degree. People with many decades of work experience do not need to include information longer than 10 to 15 years ago. Some job applicants get overwhelmed trying to incorporate all of the details and they go beyond what is necessary.
3. How Many Pages Should My Resume Be?

Current resumes are often 2 pages long. However, if you last created a resume a decade ago, you may think it has to be only 1 page. Resume trends have changed over the years, and maintaining a single page length for a resume is no longer essential.
What happens if you type up all of your information and your resume is a page and a half? Do you submit a resume that is a page and a half? Do you cut it down to 1 page? Do you add fluff to increase it to 2 pages? These are questions people often face when writing their own resume. Trying to create a resume that contains all of the right information and ends at the bottom of the page is challenging.
4. It Is Difficult to Write About Yourself, Especially First Person Implied!
Many people find it difficult to write about themselves because they feel like they are bragging. In reality, you have to a brag a bit on your resume. It needs to be honest, but it needs to tell why you should be hired for the job. Often people find this awkward and challenging.
Add in the fact that resumes have to written in the first person but implied (so the words "I", "My", etc are removed), which makes it especially frustrating. Then you must ensure the tense of your writing is consistent as well. So, this is not a normal writing assignment that you would experience in any other part of your life. It is very specialized and difficult for the average job-seeker.
5. There Are So Many Things to Incorporate in the Resume (Keywords, Action Verbs, Descriptors)
A good resume is not a generic document listing your responsibilities. Instead, it provides details and demonstrates the skills that you have.
Action verbs are used to show your strengths. Keywords from the job posting are incorporated so the hiring manager knows you have what is needed for the new job. Descriptors are used to give details on what you achieved in your previous roles.
All of these items have to be incorporated within the format of the resume, which means wording bullets appropriately. Each word has to be thought through on the resume. This is often more time consuming than the job seeker anticipated.
To make matters even more complicated, you need a unique resume for each job you apply for, since each will require different keywords to be incorporated. Many believe a resume is a "one and done," effort, but unfortunately this is just not the case. Selecting the appropriate wording for every job posting is critical.
Final Thoughts
We have covered five reasons that resume writing is so hard for job candidates, but the list could go on!
Many job-seekers find writing difficult. It is not their strongest skill.
Others struggle with proofreading.
Some have trouble only including relevant content. Instead they want to provide their full history, which means the hiring manager has to weed through lots of unnecessary details.
Job-seekers sometimes have a hard time self-reflecting to determine what skills they have that are needed by the company they are applying to. They don't know what to emphasize to help them demonstrate their unique qualifications.
Others aren't sure how to create an organized resume even though they have the right content.
At Revision Resume, our writers are professionals with training on resume formatting and content. We get to know the job-seekers and their work history so they can provide the right details and highlight the unique skills and qualifications the job seeker brings to the table. Keywords, action verbs and descriptors are included. Each word on the document is thoroughly evaluated.
Resume writing is hard! Leave it to the professionals so you can submit a well-written resume you are proud of! Click here to learn more.
Related Reading:
Looking for more information about resume creation? Check out Revision Resume's webpage on resume creation which educates job seekers looking to craft a resume on their own. Or learn how our professionally trained resume writers -- Laura and Carrie -- can help you by going to our resume services page!
Do you already have a resume? Would you like a professional resume writer to take a second look to make sure it is error-free and up to current resume standards? Check out our resume critique options.