Job-seekers tend to assume that they haven't received an offer because their resume is not quite right. However, this isn't always the case. Searching for a job involves many components:
You need to apply for the right positions -- ones you are qualified for.
Networking is always helpful, but not everyone does it...or does it well.
You must successfully navigate the interview and present yourself professionally in any follow-up communication.
These are all in addition to having a quality resume!
In this blog post, let's examine times when the resume isn't actually what is holding you back and what you can do about it.
Selecting the Right Job Opening?
Are you submitting resumes for jobs that are out of reach based on your skills and qualifications? While it is always good to reach for the job you dream of, you may need to take a few steps to get there.
Consider evaluating the job descriptions of the postings you submitted applications for.
Did you have the number of years’ experience required or were you shy of achieving that?
What about software requirements or other hard skills. Did you have at least 50% of the qualifications? If not, can you take steps to gain those qualifications before applying for another similar position?
Consider enrolling in a class or seeking an online learning opportunity maybe. Or, look for a position that is within your reach now but will help you develop the skills you need for the role you truly desire.
If you are applying for jobs that are out of reach, you won't get called for interviews. It is worthwhile to re-evaluate your skill set and make sure it matches the openings you submit your resume to.

Are you just submitting resumes to online postings and not really doing anything else for your job search? This may be the reason you haven't had much response. Keep in mind that many job openings receive 100s of submissions.
You may want to consider adding networking as a component of your quest to find a new role. Using a site like LinkedIn can be helpful in making connections. You can also research people at the company you are applying to potentially providing more insight into the culture and work style.
If you need a few tips regarding LinkedIn, check out our blog category here. Once you have a profile set up you can reach out to people from all walks of your life and make connections. You can also include your LinkedIn URL on your resume.
Getting Interviews?

If you are being called for interviews, your resume is likely being well-received. Typically, a resume and/or networking is what inspires a hiring manager to select a candidate for an interview. So, if you are being asked to interview but are not receiving an offer, your resume is probably not the culprit.
Instead, you may not be interviewing well. If you think this may be the case, we suggest the following:
Practice common interview questions in advance. Keep in mind that currently, companies may be asking pandemic-related questions. We have provided a blog suggesting how to prepare for this line of questioning.
Bring your own questions to the interview. Hiring managers tell us it is a red flag when the interviewee does not have any questions to ask.
Follow good interview etiquette, such as dressing professionally and avoiding distractions by turning off your cell phone.
Remain professional throughout the interview. Keep politics and religion out of the discussion.
It is normal to feel nervous, so accept those feelings. However, try not to act in a way that shows desperation for the position.
At the interview, find out when and how to follow-up…and always be professional.
Reflect on Your Follow-Up
Follow-up after an interview is often overlooked, but it is critical. If you have had interviews – yet have not received any job offers – it might be worthwhile to reflect on how you followed up after the interviews.
First, Revision Resume suggests that you send a Value Proposition Letter (VPL) within 24-48 hours after the interview. This shows gratitude and reiterates why you are the candidate the company should select. Your letter should be no longer than one page, professional, and should reiterate one last time why you are the company’s ideal candidate. Sending a VPL is a “secret weapon” that most people don’t know about…and it will certainly set you apart from your competition and keep you top-of-mind among the hiring committee.
Before you exited the interview, did you set an expectation for when to follow-up regarding an update on the position? This is always advised and is covered in more detail in this blog. If you didn't, wait a week or two and provide a professionally written email inquiring if there are any updates.
In some cases, job seekers demonstrate desperation in their communication. Others voice frustration or anger when they haven't heard back from the hiring manager in the time period they anticipated. Either way, this may reflect poorly on you as a job candidate. If you reflect back and realize that your communication may have given a poor professional appearance, think through how to avoid that when seeking future jobs.
Final Thoughts
There are a couple of other potential reasons for not receiving a job offer, despite your best efforts. In our blog "Feeling Rejected" You Shouldn't!" we explore a few including:
Some jobs are never filled. The budget dries up or the project is cancelled.
Others are filled from within the company instead of an outside hire.
Social media red flags prevent some candidates from being selected. Be sure to review your social media and remove any questionable content.
The above discussion provides some of the reasons why you may not be getting job offers that aren't related to your resume itself. Should you need assistance with your job search, Revision Resume is here to help. Reach out to see how we can assist you!